Monday, December 7, 2009

Sarah Palin and Feminists-Silence is Compliance

It is of course perfectly legitimate to disagree with Palin's opinions.Not just to disagree politically and academically but,in the good old American tradition of strenuous discourse,sarcastically,stringently and of course loudly (loudly in the computer age is ALL CAPITALS AND EXCLAMATION MARKS !!!)

What is not legitimate is to attack Palin as a woman either her female persona or her physical female being.It not being legitimate has not stopped the liberal press and bloggers and their commentators from descending into the very pits of foul mouthed rampant sexism.

The lowest of the low include The Huffington Post,Daily Kos and the beyond disgusting Wonkette and now Slate which was considered to be of a higher standard.The execrable Christopher Hitchens had this to say in his latest column That bloom will soon enough fade, and it will fade really quickly if she uses it to prostitute herself to the Nixonites on one day and then to cock-tease the rabble on the next

The Trig Truthers in their various guises are simply deluded and laughable huddled together in their jealousy and conspiracies and poor Sullivan in The Atlantic is off on another planet in his obsession-they are best ignored.

It is now obvious to any observer that Palin is "she who must be destroyed" as she is clearly a major threat to the liberals.The fact is that not only is she still standing after all their best efforts is driving them to unbefore seen heights of vituperative attack.What this has done is to expose the
feminists as first and foremost a tool and adjunct of the Democrats.

Not only were the happy to ignore Bill Clinton's escapades (imagine if that had been Reagan)and quiet when Hillary was being torn down but have been happy to join the chorus attacking Palin.Only when Letterman got into the gutter with his snideness about Palin's daughter did NOW stick its head above the parapet.Where were the howls of outrage about Newsweeks cover of Palin? What would have been the reaction if that had been Michelle Obama?

No one is asking women to support a woman politician just because she is female but for the feminist movement to have any credibility at all they surely must now take a stand against the gross sexism,disgusting foul mouthed comments on the likes of Wonkette and by people like Hitchens.

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