Friday, January 15, 2010

Now it's O.K. for a President To Campaign During An Humanitarian Crisis??

President Obama has announced he will go to Massachusetts to campaign for beleaguered Democrat Martha Coakley this Sunday.

As always, one rule for the Dem's and one for the Republicans. Imagine if this was in the early stages of the Katrina crisis and President Bush had taken a day off to campaign for one of the Republican candidates when the world was seeing images, just like in Haiti, of death and destruction.

The liberal media and MSM beltway commentators would be foaming at the mouth declaring dereliction of duty, inhumanity and so forth. But Obama-in exactly the same sort of situation humanitarian wise-if not worse given the loss of life-can swan off to Boston. There will be an electoral price to pay for this hypocrisy and disdain of the American people-there is a tidal wave building which commenced in New Jersey and Virginia which will crest in November.

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