Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Palin Being Beaten Black And Jew

What is with many of the liberal Blacks and Jews in the MSM, the blogosphere, the, usually minor, theatrical types, and their astonishing and relentless attacks on Sarah Palin-this woman is not a reincarnation of George Wallace and Czar Nicholas for heavens sake.

In newspaper and blog opinion pieces, with television commentators and hosts, it seems that a significant number of names leading the attacks are Jewish-King, ("Palin should pose for Playboy" he agrees, so sadly for a once respected journalist, with Silverman)   the execrable Sandra Bernhard-and numerous others, opinion shapers whose numbers  in the media are out of all proportion to the size of the population, seemingly ad infinitum. If not Jewish names,then anglicised-and what sort of a Jewish name is Stewart by the way? (it reminds me of the old joke where one old country Jew says to his friend "David, what's going on ? Six months ago you changed your name to Jones and now you've changed it to Smith. "Simple" said David,” now when people ask me what was your name before? I tell them it was Jones").

I have tried to find some overarching explanation but to me it seems there are a number of threads which account for this anti-Palinism which borders on total irrationality to the point of psychosis. The main reason is historic as I set our previously. Briefly, the current generation of Jewish opinion makers are only a few generations away from their grand or great grandparents experiences of eastern European persecution and of course the Nazi  calamity. Thus, although the commentators etc live the American dream, tales heard at their grandparents knee (as have the Armenians in respect of the Turks) either by them or their parents, have created biased mindset which is nearly impossible to cast off.

"Palin" is thus not Sarah Palin (the real one which when actually met as a person not a stereotype by a Jewish woman produced a startling positive, heartwarming reaction) the only Governor in America who had an Israeli flag in her office and wears an Israeli flag pin and whose commitment to Israel is so strong that she stands up for that benighted nation when the Obama administration is increasingly seen as negative to Israel. “Palin" is the anti-Jew of the Christian persecuting past.

Another cause of this relentless attack is again learned at grandparents knee. The traditional Jewish attachment to the Democrats as the heirs of the Roosevelt tradition. The Jews in the big cities suffered badly during the depression and, with the Blacks, formed, with their strong socialist roots, an integral part of the Roosevelt coalition especially as they were involved at a seminal level in policy formulation. Palin is, more realistically, with her hard frontier roots of self reliance and the Alaskan suspicion of a government far removed from everyday life, the antithesis of this Jewish economic history.

However much some may wish to deny it, and many actually seem to delight in it as regards Palin, there is a strong feeling of intellectual superiority. The cerebral Jewish, rabbinical, academic tradition versus the school of life tradition which is so much a part of Palins appeal to middle America.

With the passing of time these entrenched positions by the anti-Palin media elite (including of course non-Jews) is actually getting more entrenched, more vocal and sadly more vicious, irrational, ("Palin is borderline on sedition" for heavens sake) condescending, and in some cases disgusting. There have been a small level of support from Jew's ( the "Jew's For Palin" blog during the election for example) and recently in reaction to the perceived anti-Israeli attitude of the Obama administration a new support group "Jewish Americans For Sarah Palin" which recognises Palin is the strongest voice in America for Israel, but they are massively outnumbered. It is an illness for which there is sadly no cure, the best hope is that they descend, like Klein, into such ridiculous nonsense that no one takes them seriously any more.

I was, till recently undertaking to write a column about the surprising, to me, tone of many liberal Black commentators. I found column after column to be reasoned, warm, and whilst universally not in Palin's camp, they were constructive in their critical approach. I say surprising because given the overwhelming level of voting support for Osama in the election one might have been led to believe that the level of criticism that Palin had made against Obama's administration might receive a strong push back.

That was very much not the case and frankly I enjoyed reading the columns from Black commentators which were far more analytical than their Jewish counterparts on the left. I especially enjoyed some of the charming humor of Sharpton for example whose air of wry amusement on Fox- sort of "bring it on, it should be fun" in respect of a Palin/Obama contest was in such stark contrast to the typical MSNBC diatribe.

This was in respect of  Black male commentators however. I found, for some reason, and in the blogs I saw which may have not been entirely representational, a much more strident tone from Black women towards Palin.

Sadly I have perceived a significant change in the attitude to Palin which has degenerated almost to the level of the Jewish commentators. I believe this has been in reaction to the Tea Party phenomenon which is strongly associated with Palin  which of course she had been a very visible  part of. The leftist Alinsky attempt to portray the Tea Party as wholly motivated by race hatred may have caused an understandable reaction in some quarters of the Black commentating community. I do hope this will pass as it is recognised that the vast majority of Tea Party supporters are not racist. Certainly Palin herself is totally untainted in that respect and of course her own children are part Native American.

I would be confident the level headed approach which so commendably characterised the Black writers approach to Palin will return as it will be important that cool heads are evident during the heat of the 2012 campaign if she is the nominee. As for the Jewish commentators, ridicule and push back is the only counter as they will attack with a passion which is beyond all reason.

N.B. No anti-Semitic/racist attacks please. This blog is "in the family" I had my Bar Mitzvah in The Actors Synagogue in New York City, my great grandparents were the poorest of the poor Russian (Litvak's) immigrants. My dear niece, my sisters child, is half black/half Jewish (and is she doubly beautiful and smart, from both sides,with that genetic heritage).

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