Friday, June 11, 2010

Precognition Gone Awry-Lord Help Me I Am Channeling Olberman Again.

As a diversion from things political I posted some thoughts about what are, to me, unexplained instances of "precognition" seemingly beyond coincidence. Basically thoughts arising for not apparent reason which matched an event or comment in the public arena shortly afterwards.

One of the instances related to a a short story by a favorite author, James Thurber, which I had not thought about for decades and which just arose as a passing thought out of nowhere. Shortly afterwards the same reference was made by Keith Olberman.

I posted another of these same "coincidences", there have only been three in decades so I consider myself to be a well balanced person not given to flights of metaphysical fancy, about an even stranger episode involving Al Luplow a very obscure baseball play from decades ago.This received a comment which I am pleased to say suggested that there is something more to this sort of thing than a million to one coincidence.

I was further intrigued by this article which views time and space as basically non-existent outside of the observer. It has many comments and is worth looking at I believe for those who like this sort of thing. One comment I found particularly interesting was, and it seems to kill the general tenor of the article, is that if the universe can only exist as the result of being observed then how did it come into existence and how did it exist for so long before there were observers? The obvious answer is of course that there must be an observer i.e. God outside standing outside of time who brought the universe into being and sustains it by observation.

Anyway,back to the main premise.I was delighted to see the great start by the new Washington pitcher Stephen Strasburg, it is always grand to see an exciting new talent on the mound, especially as I am lifelong fan of great pitchers (as I mentioned in the "Al Luplow" posting.) However it came to mind that one shouldn''t get to carried away by such burstings on the scenes because of previous history. Bobby Shantz came to mind (18-10, then 24-7 then his top career over) but to me the most striking example of meteoric rise and equally fast disappearance was  Karl Spooner. What incredible statistics ! Two starts for Brooklyn in 1954. Two complete games, 27 strike outs, two shutouts ! an ERA of 0.00. Then in 1955, a record of 8-6 with an ERA of 3.65 and that was that-career over.

Shantz had somewhat of a career until his arm gave out (probably  as happened to Jim Bouton who put absolutely everything into every pitch) whereas Spooners arm gave out almost straight away. On reflection it is possible that regret at seeming lost greatness is misplaced if the "greatness" is the result of a superhuman effort which is unsustainable, whereas true greatness comes from an ability which flows from a more natural talent perhaps.

Anyway, shortly after musing about the ( by now obscure surely)  brief career of Spooner and its possible relation to Strasburg  I saw a Tweet from Olberman which said  "Remember Karl Spooner" in relation to, of course the hype over Strasburg.

This one is, I truly hope, pure coincidence relating to the same thought by a couple of baseball fans with long memories.I would hate to imagine that Olbernman and I are connected by some psychic construct-but I might have to live with it. Thurber and Spooner-who would have thought such things could connect such different minds.

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