Thursday, September 30, 2010

Latest Gallup Poll Of Republicans; Romney 19% Palin 16% Most Significant Figure Is Palin+Huckabee 28%

The Gallup poll asked Republicans and conservative independents who they preferred for president in 2012.
Romney scored 19%, Palin 16% and Huckabee 12%. The combined Palin+Huckabee result is 28%

Equally significant is the analysis of the preferences of conservative Republicans/independents who advised who they would choose as the presidential candidate for 2012.

Romney scored 19% Palin 16% and Huckabee 15% so the combined Palin+Huckabee conservative support is 35%.
Presuming the majority of Huckabee's Evangelical/Baptist support would go to Palin;

"Among Republicans who say religion is important in their lives, Huckabee (14%) is essentially tied with Romney (17%) and Palin (16%)."

She would have a significant advantage if this support was translated into caucus support in Iowa and voting support in South Carolina-two key early primary states. At this point the nomination, presuming Huckabee does not run, is hers to lose.

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