Friday, September 3, 2010

Miller's Lead Over Murkowski Exceeds 2000 In Latest Count-Emphatic Victory For Palin Over MSM

The official website of the Alaska Secretary of State shows the latest count of absentee votes increasing Joe Miller's lead (1.84%) over Lisa Murkowski substantially to 2020 (50.92% to 49.08%).

Rather than absentee votes cutting into Millers 1600 election night lead as pundits advised-continuing their incredible run of totally wrong polling and forecasting as regards Miller's "hopeless" campaign to win the GOP senate nomination-this is a substantial increase which may well go higher as more military votes come in.

This result categorically confirms the influence that Sarah Palin had on the campaign-which Miller has strongly stated.

For all the MSM's attempt to write of Palin, hilariously so in the case of the sad spectacle of Alexandra Gutierrez at Slate , this result shows, once again, that those who take Palin for granted as the Murkowski campaign obviously did, do so at their peril.

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