Sunday, September 12, 2010

Palin Breaks Dem's Hearts/Meme By Donating $3,500 Of Her Own Money To Teen Charity

Trust Sarah Palin to continue on wrecking things ! The Dem's have spent countless hours trying to knock her down with the "Palin is a grifter-only out for herself and fleecing her dupes" meme across the blogosphere.

Just when they think they are on a roll with e.g. this bizarre rant about how Palin (and Beck) were fleecing the dupes in Anchorage at their 9/11 meeting, Palin and Beck's team announces that Palin would not take a cent from the event and Beck is donating his fee to his "Wounded Warriors" charity. Darn it.

And adding further salt to the wound or further extinguisher to the flame Palin,the guest speaker tonight at a sold-out fundraiser for Teen Challenge, a Missoula Montana shelter for unwed teen mothers, not only signed a shirt which was auctioned off immediately for $3,500 and then-does this women have no shame in destroying all the Dem's hard work-she went and matched the auction fund WITH A FURTHER $3,500 OF HER OWN MONEY !!!

Ah well-I am sure the Dem's will come up with a new (surely they could put "quitter" to rest, even they must be tired of writing it) talking point-which will of course be a waste of time as the public is utterly bored with their immature antics.

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