Monday, October 4, 2010

(Update; Comment Scrubbed) Lib Site Wonkette Re;Palin's Stalker "rethink your firepower. An AR15 ought to do the trick."

Update; The comment below has been scrubbed on the Wonkette site-But of course it's to late as the original screen capture evidence is here.They can run from their disgusting filth but they can't hide

Original Post

Sarah Palin, fearing for the life of her family and her own life has had a restraining order put in place against a clearly disturbed stalker. The liberal web sites e.g. Huffington Post and Wonkette lost no time in having a "fun" article in place and giving their disgusting readers a chance to make fun of the whole situation and in some cases to encourage violence against Palin.

They are the lowest scum in America and the editors who allow these comments are equally as bad.

Here is how the liberal mind works. The execrable site "Wonkette" hits the lowest of the low. It is not only the comment, but the fact that the site allows this and similar to go on the site. They, who obviously have no morals, set the tone and incite their audience of liberals.

Read more at Wonkette: Palin Gets Restraining Order Against Pennsylvania Teen With Shotgun

Links: Texas4Palin


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