Saturday, November 6, 2010

Doyen Of New Zealand Journalists "Palin Is A Greater Phenomenon Than Ever"

Paul Holmes  (Click here for full article) is recognized as the leading journalist in New Zealand who has had, over many years prime time television and radio shows and a comment column in the leading newspaper the Auckland based "New Zealand Herald".When election time rolls round Holmes is usually the one called on to moderate the debates between the leading candidates for Prime Minister and his various media outlets have reached millions.

Holmes comments at length and effusively about Sarah Palin is his ruminations on the mid-terms. Interestingly whilst spending much of his column with a negative review of President Obama who he categorizes as "old Grumpy/Sullen/Serious" Holmes chose to comment on Palin whilst Hillary Clinton was making her first visit to New Zealand. Perhaps that, combined with his negative comments on Obama, is a further pointer to the decline of Obama's administration showing that the gloss, which is well gone in America, is being rubbed off world-wide.

Contrast that with his comment on Palin "You cannot take your eyes off her..she is so sassy, afraid of noone, incredibly fast on her feet, coins great phrases, she is now Momma Grizzly the spearhead of a movement of Commonsense Conservatives"

He derides those who attack her for not seeming to know the fine details of American civics "so what if she doesn't know her Supreme Court cases? Just kill Osama Bin Laden and that'll do me thanks".

Looking to 2012 Holmes rates her chances highly "After the mauling no vice-presidential candidate has ever had from the media as far as I remember, she is still standing, still beautiful, still flashing that wonderful smile and still pulling huge crowds.Now Palin connects, she has grown enormously as a public figure. She could win in 2012".

"Sarah Palin is a greater phenomenon than ever. You cannot take your eyes off her. She is, if you'll excuse me, sex on a stick. She is so sassy. She is frightened of no one. She was out there working hard endorsing 34 candidates. Only 15 won, but some of them were giant killers. She is incredibly fast on her feet, as I saw in an interview with her this week.

She coins great phrases. The hockey-mom line at the last Republican convention remains a great moment, despite the terrible gougings of her that came later. Now she is Momma Grizzly. She is the spearhead of a movement of Commonsense Conservatives. Again, her phrase I think.

And, by the way, now that I think about it, so what if she doesn't know her Supreme Court cases? Just kill Osama Bin Laden and that'll do me, thanks. A lot of powerful Republicans owe her now. Will she run? Of course she will.

Here's something else my antennae tell me about her. She was so new and so fresh and so inexperienced that she was easy to pull up, pull apart and ridicule. Once, she was a curiosity. Now she's a major brand. But we've got used to her. We've grown accustomed to her face. We know her now.

That's why she can win in 2012. And, after everything, after the mauling no vice-presidential candidate has ever had from the media, as far as I can remember, she is still standing, still talking her head off, still beautiful, still flashing that wonderful smile and still pulling huge crowds.

Now, Sarah Palin connects. She has grown enormously as a public figure. She could win in 2012 if old Grumpy/Sullen/Serious doesn't cheer up."

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