Monday, November 8, 2010

Obama Advises Romneycare Was His Inspiration.To Dump Biden For Romney 2012? Palin Only GOP Choice Now

2012 SCORE – EMBRACING ROMNEY: President Barack Obama pointed to Mitt Romney as a leading presidential rival in a “60 Minutes” interview that aired Sunday night, alluding to the former Massachusetts governor’s record on health care reform as he defended the law his own administration enacted. “I made the decision to go ahead and do it, and it proved … probably, actually, a little more costly than we expected,” Obama said, “partly because I couldn't get the kind of cooperation from Republicans that I had hoped for. We thought that if we shaped a bill that wasn’t that different from bills that had previously been introduced by Republicans, including the Republican governor of Massachusetts who’s now running for president, that you know we would be able to find some common ground there. And we just couldn’t.”

For The Republicans could now even consider nominating Romney as their candidate for 2012 seems an impossibility with President Obama using Mitt as his best defense of the administration's universally rejected health care legislation.

In any candidates debate Romney would spend most of his time defending his record-basically this is a Crist embracing Obama moment which destroyed Crist as a Republican candidate. Any Republican who so embraces the increasingly isolated Obama or whose policies are seen to be the precursor of the administrations own policies is doomed.

With Obama's statement using Romneycare as a prop for his own legislation  Palin  now must surely be seen as the de facto nominee--especially given her strong economic policy attack on Bernanke. If Romney is such an inspiration to the Democratic Party perhaps, as part of Obama's new reaching out after his "shellacking" in the mid terms he could dump Biden and have Romney as his running mate for 2012 ?

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