Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Palin's Night Of Triumph: A Collosus Surveys The Battlefield 68% Of Endorsed Candidates Won

Sarah Palin's night of triumph. A political colossus stands, arms akimbo, surveys the battlefield and sounds a note of quiet satisfaction at a job, not yet done, but well started. There are many winners on this election night of triumph-first and foremost the people of America who have spoken loudly, clearly and unmistakeably, that the Obama administration and its enablers, represented by all the defeated Democrat's, have led this great country in the wrong direction.

By voting in so many candidates endorsed by Palin,the nights other winners, they have also indicated that they do not want a return to the politics of old-whether Republican or Democratic.They have endorsed the values of conservatism, true Republicanism and Palinism. Unless the Obama administration takes careful notice of the message delivered so strongly tonight then Palin's election in 2012, should she wish to run, will not be a matter of if, but rather a question of by how much of a landslide.

Here is the list of Palin (the other big winner on the night) endorsed candidates and the result for each. A note on O'Donnell. Her loss was caused by the Republican old guard, especially Rove and Krauthammer, whose credibility and value has been exploded, and by the Republican machine who abandoned her. It is also O'Donnell's fault for not having brought to the fore the matters from her past (which she should have at least briefed Palin on )which were the subject of so much ridicule. If she had addressed them as the follies of youth she could have got out in front of the matter and concentrated on the issues-a lesson learned.

Palin's and these new wave Congressional candidates triumph. 76 endorsed, 51 winners  68 % (73 results declared-awaiting on Washington District 2,  and Alaskan senatorial)


Martha Roby-2nd Congressional Seat WIN


Joe Miller-Senate TO BE DECLARED


John McCain- Senate WIN

Paul Gosar- 1st Congressional Seat WIN

Janet Contreras- 4th Congressional Seat LOSS

David Schweikert-5th Congressional SeatWIN

Ruth McClung-7th Congressional Seat LOSS

Jesse Kelly-8th Congressional Seat LOSS


John Boozman- Senate WIN

Tim Griffin- 2nd Congressional Seat  WIN 


Carly Fiorina- Senate LOSS

Chuck Wilkerson- 30th Congressional Seat LOSS

Star Parker-37th Congressional Seat LOSS


Tom Tancredo-Governor LOSS

Scott Tipton- 3rd Congressional Seat WIN

Cory Gardner-4th Congressional Seat  WIN


Christine O'Donnell- Senate LOSS


Rick Scott- Governor WIN

Marco Rubio-Senate WIN

Steve Southerland- 2nd Congressional Seat WIN

Allen West- 22nd Congressional Seat WIN
Sandy Adams-24th Congressional Seat WIN


Ray McKinney-12th Congressional Seat LOSS

John Willoughby-2nd Congressional Seat  LOSS


Butch Otter- Governor WON


Adam Kinzinger-11th Congressional Seat WON

Randy Hultgren- 14th Congressional Seat  WON


Jackie Walorski- 2nd Congressional Seat WON

Larry Buchson-8th Congressional Seat WON

Todd Young-9th Congressional Seat WON


Terry Branstad- Governor WON


Rand Paul-Senate WON


Sean Bielat- 4th Congressional Seat LOSS


Dan Benishek- 1st Congressional Seat WON

Rob Steele- 15th Congressional Seat  LOSS


Tom Emmer- Governor LOSS

Michele Bachmann- 6th Congressional Seat  WON


Alan Nunnelee- 1st Congressional SeatWON

Bill Marcy-2nd Congressional Seat  LOSS


Vicky Hartzler- 4th Congressional Seat LOSS


Sharron Angle- Senate  LOSS

New Hampshire:

Kelly Ayotte- Senate WON

New Mexico:

Susana Martinez- Governor WON

Steve Pearce-2nd Congressional District  WON

New York:

John Gomez-2nd Congressional Seat LOSS

Michael Grimm-13th Congressional Seat WON

Ann Marie Buerkle-25th Congressional Seat  TO BE CONFIRMED. NOW A CONFIRMED WIN

North Carolina:

Renee Elmmers-2nd Congressional Seat WON

Ilario Pantano-7th Congressional Seat  LOSS

North Dakota:

Rick Berg- Congress  WON


Bill Johnson-6th Congressional Seat  WON

Jim Renacci-16th Congressional Seat  WON


Mary Fallin-Governor  WON


Pat Toomey- Senate  WON

Mike Kelly-3rd Congressional Seat WON

Tom Marino-1oth Congressional Seat WON

South Carolina:

Nikki Haley- Governor  WON

Tim Scott-1st Congressional Seat WON

Mick Mulvaney-5th Congressional Seat  WON


Diane Black- 6th Congressional Seat WON

Stephen Fincher-8th Congressional Seat  WON


Rick Perry- Governor WON

Bill Flores-17th Congressional Seat WON

Francisco Canseco- 23rd Congressional Seat WON

Donna Campbell- 25th Congressional District LOSS

Blake Farenthold-27th Congressional District WON

Stephen Broden-30th Congressional Seat  LOSS


MorganPhilpot-2nd Congressional Seat  LOSS


Robert Hurt-5th Congressional Seat  WON


John Koster-2nd Congressional Seat  AWAITING FINAL

Cathy McMorris Rogers-5th Congressional Seat WON

Dick Muri-9th Congressional Seat LOSS

West Virginia:

John Raese-Senate  LOSS

David McKinnley-1st Congressional Seat WON

Spike Maynard-3rd Congressional Seat LOSS


Sean Duffy-7th Congressional Seat WON

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