Sunday, January 30, 2011

First Annual "A POEM FOR SARAH PALIN" Pro-Am-& Youth Categories Competition

This site is honored to institute the annual "A Poem For Palin" competition.

Given the huge amount of love, respect and admiration for Sarah Palin, as indicated by her 2.5 million Facebook followers it was considered that there needed to be an avenue for those creatively minded supporters to express theri sincere feelings in the immortal language of love-poetry.

There are no limits as to length, creative formula e.g. iambic pentameter, free verse, pure prose, and even language (although a translation into English would be appreciated). An ode, an Icelandic style epic, something in an Homerian Greek classical style, basically whatever suits the contributors best efforts to express their deepest feelings for their muse.

Being a topic of such universal interest, and given the massive broad based support for Palin it was felt best that the contest should be divided into professional, amateur, and under ten years old categories.

This will give everyone, no matter what age or ability, an opportunity to present their very best efforts.

The competition will run until the end of March to give plenty of time for working hard and polishing up the entries-there is no limit on the number of entries any individual can make.Submit to the "Comments" section of this site

The awards panel looks forwards to receiving a flood  of entries and will, from time to time, publish examples so as to further inspire readers.

Good luck with your poems which will assuredly be worthy of the great champion of America who inspires so deeply !

M. Joseph Sheppard

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