Saturday, January 8, 2011

The Sexual Repression Psychopathology Of The Left's Response To Arizona Shooting

That liberalism is a mental aberration is clearly understood and documentated by the medical profession.

Liberalism is presented in Freudian terms as being an expression of  transference neurosis  i.e. infantile

feelings and conflicts which having been repressed  (often because of their, unsuitable to the conscious mind, sexual perversions)  which, seeking release, manifest themselves as neuroses.

It is long understood in the Freudian Psychoanalytic method that repressed sexual desire is a substantial contributor  to neurotic symptoms.That being the case it becomes clearly obvious why so many of the activists on the radical left are young males.

It is exactly at the peak testosterone driven hormonal time of a young mans life when he often has little outlet for this sexual drive-especially if he is shy and or unattractive to women.

This sexual frustration is of course not limited to males. 

On the distaff side it is obvious to all that many leading exponents of radical feminism are sadly lacking in attractiveness-there have been widely noted comments regarding the difference in appearance between liberal and conservative candidates and media personalities recently which is of course no surprise

It is now clear why the left wing blogs are replete with hate filled rants and gross sexual references to women-especially those on the right, like Sarah Palin or Ann Coulter, which if addressed by rightists against the First Lady would cause a volcano of indignation. These blogs, like Gawker, Huffington Post Big News Sarah Palin, and the vile Wonkette pander to and clearly attract a massive audience of sexual frustrates who find sad release in their onanism enabling media.

It was the time honored concept that "If you are not a socialist at twenty you have no heart, if you are still a socialist at forty you have no head". The thinking behind that wise saw was that age brings maturity of thought. We can now see, with the help of modern psychiatry, that the transition from radical left winger to thoughtful, mature conservative is not only because of having lived and learned but also because of a lowered, fulfilled libido.The mature man is more than likely to be married and have normal sexual outlet which enables him to have a balanced mind and body.

We are indebted further to the psychiatric profession as it enables right thinking people to achieve further balance in their lives, because instead of getting angry with the often violent actions and words of left wing activists, and their supporters in the blogs and main stream liberal media, they can be viewed as objects of pity.

It is the duty  of the right-especially the media to, when debating with or describing the activities of leftists to say to them-"I understand that what you are saying in such virulent and distorted terms is not the "real you' but sadly, an expression of your inner torment. Please try and understand the root cause and seek help. In the meantime here are some rational economic and political ideas to dwell on".

If such a dialogue can be instituted then there is hope for the well being of America. Those on the right carry the burden of civil, intelligent discourse, but they have to be even more broad shouldered now to carry their afflicted brothers and sisters on the left to the gentler streams of rationality.
It must be said however that the astounding, almost foaming at the mouth response to the terrible events in Arizona make one less than sanguine at the prospect that there is any possibility of a maturation in the leftist mind. The explanation for the rabid postings (where inter alia Palin is blamed for the shooting and it is suggested that she take a bullet to the head) from followers at such sites as FireDogLake, Daily Kos, CNN amongst so many others, is clearly set out in the preceding exposition.
Sadly there are such comments and blog postings by liberals of a mature age-but not mind- which suggests the disease, although caused by sexual repression, is incurable once it has set in for a substantial period. "Scientists have found that emotional intelligence peaks when people enter their 60's. Before that, protest movements and liberal causes have been mere dress rehearsals." It is a matter of regret that so many on the left have had their brains calcified and they are impervious to emotional intelligence no matter what chonological age they reach.

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