Thursday, February 10, 2011

On Sarah’s Birthday; Announcing The First Annual “Create An Artwork Depicting Sarah Palin Contest"

Subsequent to the warmly received announcement of the (still open) inaugural “A Poem For Sarah Palin” contest recently I received a delightful letter from the ebullient and worldly wise Mr. Benyamin Korn of the “Jews For Sarah” website.

Mr. Korn suggested that rather than limit the concept of admirers being able to express their love, admiration, inspiration and appreciation of Sarah Palin only through the, admittedly wonderful, medium of poetry, the whole spectrum of the arts should be available as a vehicle.

The next step then is this painting contest, but eventually, all artistic endeavors, will be available. This would include plays, sculpture, film etc. A whole new world of creativity inspired by the emissary of the new America Sarah Palin is envisaged. And when better to launch this wonderful contest than Sarah's Birthday February 11th!

Mr. Korn’s wisdom is in the great tradition of Jewish connoisseurs of the arts-as witnessed by such great names as Friedlander, Bernstein and the great art historian Bernard Berenson-to name just a few, and is to be highly regarded.

Therefore, since not every painter is a poet, nor poet a painter it was felt that giving an opportunity for those who do express themselves in imagery other than words to have an opportunity of showing their prowess to the world. This can be accomplished whilst supporting Sarah by entering a contest for portrait images of her.

There are no restrictions whatsoever on the number or medium/s entrants can use. It could be an oil/watercolour/gouache/mixed media/crayon/pencil/installation/photographic montage/wall hanging/Japanese screen-in fact anything which is your interpretation of the image of Sarah Palin.

If submissions are non-representational it would be of value if the symbolic interpretation was explained. If an entrant is under 12 years of age it would be important to advise that as there would be a special youth category.

The contest will close in August which gives plenty of time to work on an entry. Submissions should be sent by jpeg to the special contest email site at;

Entries will be shown from time to time on this website or other associated websites.

I am sure Sarah Palin herself, and her family will be thrilled to see entries and I wish all entrants the best of luck for their creative efforts which will certainly be a labor of love.

The image of Sarah at the top is,I think, an ideal subject for a painting-but it is just one of thousands which inspire ! And here is a painting example to inspire as well !

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