Sunday, February 6, 2011

Palin On A Horse At Reagan Ranch/Obama On A Bicycle.One Is A Picture Of A Leader,One A MetroSexual

This photograph of Sarah Palin at the Reagan ranch where she delivered the opening address celebration for the 100 years since Reagan's birth event speaks volumes.

It is "Reaganesque and must bring a lump to the throat of those who remember Ronnie fondly as they see what looks to many as his heir in a frame so similar to what they knew as pure "Reagan".

It cries "leadership". The other photograph speaks for itself. All those on the left who are slobbering over the thought of Palin being the GOP candidate and being "destroyed" by Obama should look at these pictures and have another think on the matter.

With thanks to Texas4Palin for the photograph and the inspiration. For the full backgroundstory on Palin's sojourn at the ranch read the delighful portait by Sheya at Conservatives4Palin

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