Wednesday, February 16, 2011

POLL:Vote For Your Choice For Palin's Vice President 2012

It looks more and more certain, should she chose to run,that Sarah Palin will be the GOP's nominee for president for 2012. Certainly the polls show the grass roots want a conservative by a two to one margin. This is further confirmed by the Hot Air poll,which was made certain there would be no mass double voting which had Palin as the runaway winner by more than 3 times the second place getters support.

The left wing media is already looking to choose Palin's VP-as they have been unable to chose the presidential candidate this time,having met their match. Rather then let them get a bandwagon rolling for the candidate of their choice,and of course bearing in mind that Sarah will, as in everything, chose for herself,it will be noticed if a grass roots indication is shown.

Vote for your VP choice (only one vote per person allowed) and this will be passed along to key Palin supporters. If you choose "Other" E.G. PAUL RYAN you can leave whom your preference was in the Comments section if you wish-this will
help identify all the preferences.

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