Thursday, March 24, 2011

All Positive Reviews of Palin's Speech In Florida In One Place Including Local Fox TV Report

Here are the links to comments on Sarah Palin's discursive address in Naples Florida yesterday-certainly a major address covering vital topics. This was an impressive speech especially considering her hectic intercontinental schedule and is even the more admirable for that. Her audience seemed impressed with the telling remark that Palin being seen without the filter of the media was eye opening. I have not seen the local Fox TV report elsewhere

Palin on Greta's programme (Terrorism/Israel/NOW)

Florida News-Press  Very positive news report

"Sarah Palin elicits smiles in Naples"

Naples News. Another very positive press report "You betcha I'll be around in 2012"

Adrienne at "Motivation Truth" waxes lyrically about Sarah's performance on Greta Van Susteren's program
Here is the local Fox stations report:

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