Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Ludicrous Leftist Media Finds GOP '12 Candidate No 27. Buddy Roemer! (sic)

Politico has found GOP candidate number 27 after throwing their favorite of the month week Mitch Daniels under the bus they have discovered, in deepest Louisiana an ex-Governor ex-Democrat who they are now giving the publicity works to.

Who you ask?-First, here is the previous list of 26, which included the, up till them latest trio of 
Corker (?), Jeb Bush, and Rand Paul

Buddy Roemer of course (sic) who "sees a glimmer of hope."

The media,especially Politico, is making themselves looking beyond foolish and now are bordering on farce as they continue on with their "anyone but Palin " campaign

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