Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Pray For The Heroic Workers At The Reactor Plants In Japan-the Bravest Of The Brave

CNN reports that about 100 people are doing the best to contain and repair the atomic reactors.They  are according to the report, sleeping in corridors and conference rooms and being fed a diet of crackers and one sealed meal a day.

They are surrounded by contaminated water from the efforts to cool the reactors and we know some have been taken away to hospital for emergency treatment.

These people are incredibly brave and not just Japan, but the world owes them our deepest thoughts and prayers. No matter what their religion may be,or if they have no religion they are action for humanity in the greatest spirit of humanity.

Jesus said  "No greater love doth a man have than to lay down his life for his friends". Let us hope and pray it does not come to that for any of these workers who are in God's hands and in all our prayers.

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