Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Winners Announced "Create A Poem For Sarah Palin" Contest.

 The "Create A Poem For Sarah Palin" contest has closed and I am delighted to give these two great creative efforts the Best Poem Awards in their respective categories. Apart from the wide distribution across the internet for so many to enjoy they will be sent to SarahPac, Sarah Palin's Official Organization, with the request they be brought to her personal attention.

No interest was expressed for a "Create a poem for Mitt Romney, or Mitch Daniels, Tim Pawlenty, (and, perhaps surprisingly) Haley Barbour."

By: Mysterious Maven 

A frontiers Ode to the future

Dancing on a glacier of American fortitude she escapes
Scattering a bouquet of ice into a flowering landscape
A frontiers Ode to the future
On the echo of rural towns her courage roams free
Against the rocks meandering the river banks she fires the flare for all to see
A frontiers Ode to the future
Guided by the Trig of willows, the Piper climbs through the air. 
On the right wing, a familiar sunrise over Bristol Bay is near
A frontiers Ode to the future
The track of liberty stands on the waters edge
Beneath the roaming salmon jumping the gated ledge
A frontiers Ode to the future
To the left an ominous wind signals a directional change
She hesitates on a prayer, whispers to Todd - strange
A frontiers Ode to the future
As a tear flutter from her face
She cannot deny the impending pace
A frontiers Ode to the future
She knows the end is near and fast approaching
For this journey to continue she must abate the fear encroaching
A frontiers Ode to the future
For liberty to remain standing
She must soar above the hard landing
A frontiers Ode to the future
A frontiers Ode to the future

Award For Best Poem From A Military Person Go To:
Chris Smith (Smitty) ) of "The Other McCain" Blog Fame:

Haiku Sonnet For Sarah Palin

The Palin fascination
Infecting the news today
Really does boggle the mind.

Is she Nemesis, some way
Causing POTUS frustration
The very First Teeth to grind?

Yet when she enters the fray
Her words are pointed, but kind
Lacking recrimination.

And so should she courage find
Election devil to pay
To halt a sinking nation,

The class warfare wounds to bind
And racial fragmentation
Refocusing liberty,

American elation
At last will ‘hit the rewind’,
Ejecting ‘Chicago way’.

Hence all the trepidation,
The falsehood and the dismay:
Visionless know they are blind.

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