Thursday, April 14, 2011

Palin Attending Tea Party Rally In Wisconsin,The Scene Of Her Prosser Endorsement Triumph,This Weekend

UPDATE#2. Link to comments section of Journal-Sentinel

According to Conservatives4Palin she will be attending a Tea Party rally this Saturday in Madison Wisconsin.

Governor Palin Will Attend Tea Party Rally in Madison, Wisconsin this Saturday

Just heard from Wausau Tea Party director, Meg Ellefson that Sarah Palin will be speaking at this Saturday’s Tea Party Rally in Madison.Wisconsin

The rally officially starts at 12:00 pm.
This is significant  on a number of levels;
Palin was the only leading potential candidate who had the guts to endorse Judge Prosser in the contentious Wisconsin Supreme Court election against massive union/Dem support. It may be that her endorsement contributed significantly to Prosser's apparent 7000 vote win  (the margin is usually much higher).
Her appearance shows where here heart is-nothing has changed, she believes in the values of the Tea Party whether or not other candidates distance themselves from that group
After a period of quiescence she is still very much in the running to run-even though the Beltway chattering class  have written her off. I have declared elsewhere that she will declare in June and am more than confident that will be the case.

UPDATE: Here is the link to the Wisconsin press report

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