Friday, April 15, 2011

UPDATE.Local TV Link Included:Palin Receives Standing Ovation From 9000 At Women of Joy Conference:

NewsOk reports on Sarah Palin's address to the Women of Joy Evangelical Christian Conference in Oklahoma City on Friday evening. 

Proving that, media reports to the contrary, Palin has lost none of her massive appeal to people of Christian heart
The report of the conference advised:

"She took the stage to cheers and a standing ovation from the audience and left it with the same rousing appreciation from conference attendees.
The former governor told those gathered that being a woman of joy is “seeking and living out your purpose to be in service to our Creator, to God” even though there may be inconveniences, struggles and people — “haters” and critics — in their path.
She urged attendees to reject lives of selfishness and self-absorption for a life of seeking God's will.
Palin said the Lord has been her strength throughout difficult times in her life, particularly when she learned her son Trig would be born with Down syndrome."

Please read the rest of the delightful, positive report at the link above.

The local television station KFOR has a report (the last two minutes of the 10:00 p.m. news found under the large VIDEO spot at the right in the middle of their home page. You can scroll to the end of the clip around the ten minute mark

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