Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Update: First Sponsor Pulls Out Of Wonkette Site Over Vile Attack On Palins Downs Syndrome Child

Subsequent to the post on the disgusting attack on an innocent child by the "progressive" site Wonkette the first advertiser has, apparently, agreed to stop their promotions on Wonkette.

This action is a tribute to Papa Johns sense of decency and I of course commend their brand. Simon and Schuster publishers are another major advertiser on the site, and concerted efforts by the public can hopefully get them to remove their adverts.

The loss of revenue is one thing these cretins can understand no matter how much they disregard the common decencies that make up a caring human being.This sort of effort worked against Letterman and will work against Wonkette.

I notice to that a large number of people are starting to voice their opinions in the comments section at Wonkette. Also noticeable is the lack of response except for a few paltry comments-even some of the readers who jump in with sarcasm seem to be hesitant to defend the indefensible.

Here is the list of Wonkette advertisers I have found so far

Simon & Schuster publishers (who seem to be the main advert supplier)

Pressflex Webmasters

Pulse 360 Advertising (

National Administration & Recruitment 59 temple Place Suite# 402
Boston MA 02111 (617) 338 7800

This was posted at Free Republic " noticed Chipotle (and went to their website to say I'd never be a customer again), Terminex and Lunesta."

"Capella University - a great place to continue your education, if you want to learn how to mock toddlers with Downs Syndrome."

Here are sites which have taken up this noble cause.

Free Republic who link to the original post and have many supportive comments

First Things

The Evil Conservative

Legal Insurrection

Hot Air


Big Journalism

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