Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Wonkette, Attacker Of Disabled Children, Has Advertisers: Harper Collins/Amazon/Barnes&Noble

Wonkette, the site which ran the now infamous attack on Sarah Palins disadvantaged child Trig, has lost 43 advertisers, but appears to still have an advert up from a major company.

As is well known a storm of protest against this execrable site and its equally obnoxious personnel found a massive campaign spontaneously built up to contact Wonkette's advertisers with the simple question-do you wish to advertise on a site that attacks disabled children?

The end result was, that company after company pulled their adverts. However it appears that the publishing company Harper Collins has a book advertised on the Wonkette site, which advert also refers prospective purchasers to either the Amazon or Barnes&Noble on-line sites.

It would be nothing short of amazing if  long established firms, such as these three, which have a reputation for ethics, would wish to be associated with such a site as Wonkette. No doubt they might perceive they have a prospective customer base amongst the immature and juvenile minded who inhabit that site, but surely their reputation is worth more than the disgrace that might cling to them by this poor association.

It would not be a surprise if the three firms were the recipients of demands to cease their sponsorship from outraged parents of handicapped children and decent people everywhere.

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