Sunday, May 29, 2011

Both Anti-Palin Books Sales Sink Like A Stone-Deserved Flops.

American Thinker reports that the two anti-Palin books have appeared,been given the usual left wing media coverage as the greatest expose's in history and have-sunk like a stone:

"Palin-flamethrower, Geoffrey Dunn of the Huffington Post released The Lies of Sarah Palin: The Untold Story Behind Her Relentless Quest for Power May 10th and Frank Bailey, former Aide to Palin, teamed up with Palin-critic Jeanne Devon to release Blind Allegiance to Sarah Palin: A Memoir of Our Tumultuous Years on May 24th.  Ardent opponents of Sarah Palin have been highly-anticipating these books which promised to tear down Palin's public image for the long-term.

Interestingly, Geoffrey Dunn's book has not even hit Amazon's top-100 list since its release; and after a week of media coverage including appearances on NBC, ABC's The View, Fox News, CNN, and many more, Frank Bailey's "memoir" disappointingly debuted at #40 and has already fallen to #75."

And these books were supposed to bring amazing new revelations and to finally finish off Palin once and for all. It turns out they are just rehashed gossip, old stories which have been dismissed ages ago and-just plain trash.

Once again Palin takes the hit and comes back stronger than ever-one thing is certain, she will outlast her enemies and have the last laugh.

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