Thursday, May 26, 2011

Palin's Now 3 Million+ Facebook Members Guarantees Billion Dollar Campaign

Sarah Palin's Facebook page has risen well past the 3,000,000 subscribers mark-massively ahead of any other Republican personality.This has substantial implication for any 2012 run by her as the Obama team are touting their "billion dollar campaign." If would be doubtful if any other potential candidate than Palin could match that but she has the capacity to exceed it due to the loyalty,enthusiasm and belief in her by her supporters.

From July to October 2012, during which $100 a month is raised from 3,000,000 supporters, equals a campaign chest of $900,000,000. And that is just for starters as corporate America, which the Supreme Court has ruled can contribute to any sum, will add millions as will major donors/fund raisers.

Therefore a campaign  fund well over one billion dollars is absolutely obtainable. The GOP establishment should be asking themselves this question-could any other GOP candidate besides Palin generate this sort  of financial support?

In point of fact there would be every reason to believe that if Governor Palin is the Republican nominee, that role would have been decided well before July 2012. That being the case, but even if it was not so decided, it is reasonable to assume that by then her Facebook membership would be at least 5 million. More likely it will be well north of that figure, based on the current rate of growth-10,000 a week.

If it was five million at that point, with every reason to believe it would be, and two million people were stripped out, being very young, opponents, very poor, there would still be a potential donor pool of 3 million people.

I recall receiving a letter some time ago from a couple who described themselves as "ordinary people". They said they were prepared to donate $50 a week each from their wages to support Governor Palin's 2012 election campaign "when the time came." 

They said they felt certain they spoke for many more, just like themselves, who believed in Sarah "she will prevail because millions of ordinary people like us will make the sacrifice needed to support her."

Today a poster on the Facebook page said "I will donate a month's pay to her campaign"

Thus if  three million people gave an average of $25 a week from July to October 2012 i.e. $100 a month on average, over the four month campaign (which I pledge myself to do)-not a great contribution in the light of previous campaigns- then $900,000,000+  can be raised. It is up to 1.2 Billion (4 months X $100. per month = $400. X 3 = $1200 X 1 million = $1200 million = $1,200,000,000 or 1.2 billion) but I have put in a lower figure to allow for as realistic an analysis as possible.

This, plus the corporate and major donors, gives at least one billion dollars to a fighting campaign. Every cent of that figure would be required to counter the forces of the radical left who will do everything they can, everything that money can buy, allied to their control of the media and union forces, to defeat the forces of the light.

November 2010 showed that the forces of the light can prevail against the forces of the darkness and with Sarah Palin as the torch-bearer in 2012 it will be so proven again. But only after a terrible fight, and with the financial support outlined above.

A people's victory can only be won with peoples support, which includes financial backing-they will not fail in this chance of a lifetime to reinstate traditional values.

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