Sunday, June 5, 2011

Chris Wallace:Palin gave a "Boffo" Interview.This Woman Is A Serious Candidate

Mediate has an interview up where Chris Wallace roundtables his interview with Sarah Palin
discussing his interview with Sarah Palin.He is obviously highly impressed.

Chris Wallace After Palin Interview: First Time I Ever Thought ‘This Women Is A Serious Candidate’

After interviewing Sarah PalinChris Wallacetalked about her with his panel of guests and revealed that he was very impressed with her appearance. Unlike previous times when he interviewed her, Wallace noticed “this wasn’t just ‘you betcha’ – she was pretty sharp on the issues.”
Wallace was eager to see if anyone else agreed with his review of Palin’s interview:
“I thought she was a boffo performance today. It was the first time that I ever saw her and thought ‘this woman is a serious – if she decides to run – candidate for President. And a serious possibility to be President.’”
Besides a somewhat strange historical discussion of Paul Revere, Palin spoke confidently on issues ranging from the debt ceiling and foreign affairs, to her unequivocal support for CongressmanPaul Ryan’s budget proposal. With Wallace now convinced that Palin can be a serious candidate, if she wants to be, it will be interesting to see whether other skeptics might be swayed now or if Palin still needs more detailed policy talks, and less Paul Revere, moving forward.

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