Sunday, June 19, 2011

Kenyan Islamist Newspaper Attacks Palin's Trip To Christian Sudan Defends Obama

The Nation is a Kenyan based newspaper founded by the Ismaili Muslim  Shia sect leader The Aga Khan  which lineage included a noted playboy, Horse race owner an Rita Hayworth courter.

The Nation Media Group (NMG) founded by His Highness the Aga Khan in 1959 has become the largest independent media house in East and Central Africa. It has been quoted on the Nairobi Stock Exchange since the early 1970s. As the leading multi-media house in the East African region, it has print as well as electronic media and the Internet which attracts a regular readership quite unparalleled in the region. 

In an article titled "Some thoughts On Palin's Trip To S. Sudan, described as a "fishing trip" in the Sunday Nation the author dredges up every false statement about Palin he can find including the debunked "Palin is nuts according to Thatcher's aides" and that "Palin thought Africa was a country.

More seriously  the Christian evangelical element of Franklin Graham's work is dragged in and snarked and Palin  by inference and Graham are viewed as enemies of Islam

 "Another more plausible explanation is Palin is on an indirect vote fishing expedition in the event she vies for the presidency.Televangelist Franklin Graham admires her. He had her on tow in Haiti last year. In addition to enticing souls into the Evangelicals God’s kingdom, Graham spews caustic criticism of Islam".

President Obama is mentioned in this Islamic context "As for President Barak Obama, his father planted “seeds of Islam” in him. Apparently, conversion is an Evangelicals’ prerogative"
 But the real aim of the article is to denigrate Palin and her Christian motives-which are deemed pure vote getters and the visit just a photo op.

"As the aborted Thatcher photo-op would have been, one with Mayardit, another with a Dinka child recuperating in a Purse hospital, just in case, would warm Evangelicals and conservative Christian’s voters in Palin’s favour."

The full article is here

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