Saturday, June 25, 2011

Palin's Favorable Ratings Rise An Astonishing 17 Points In Three Weeks

Reflecting a pattern of a seeming inexorable rise in Sarah Palin's polling over the last two months, which includes her having a higher favorability rating than Mitt Romney amongst GOP voters Palin's polling amongst all voters has shown a startling rise in June.

From a low of 21% on June 7th in the CBS poll Palin has had an astonishing 17 point rise to 38% favorable in the just released AP-GfK poll amongst voters who expressed a preference. If Palin declares her candidacy and has the opportunity of presenting herself-to the public, unencumbered by the leftist media's lens, her favorables are certain to rise further as the undecided voters have the opportunity to choose her based on her unvarnished message

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