Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Pennsylvania GOP Want A Christian Conservative;Poll Palin/Santorum 27%-Romney 21%

A new poll of GOP voters in Pennsylvania by the respected
 Quinnipiac University found that GOP voters, overwhelmingly, 
want a Christian conservative to run for president in 2012. 

As can see by their poll results below the combined vote of those 
who clearly present themselves as Christian conservatives is 
substantially higher than Mitt Romney's share of the vote.

Santorum, as might be expected of a former Pennsylvania senator 
with high name recognition leads the non-Romney pack on 16% 
followed by Palin on 11%-perhaps remarkable for a non-announced yet potential candidate Thus the two highest polling names, after 
Romney at 21% have a combined support level exceeding his of 27%. No other candidate breaks into double figures but if the 
Bachman and Cain support of a combined 13% is added to that of 
Palin/Santorum the total of those clearly seen as Christian 
conservative is a more than substantial 40%.

It is highly likely that if all the Christian conservative vote was 
centred on one candidate the result would show a percentage of 
GOP support in Pennsylvania, based on this poll, well above 
Romney's, as it would unlikely that the supporters of Palin and 
Santorum would choose Romney rather than either Palin or 

No matter that the media have designated Romney as the
"front runner"-the GOP voters, not the Beltway insiders, are the 
final determiners of who the 2012 candidate will be and have not 
yet spoken. If the Pennsylvania poll is an indication their choice 
may well surprise the pundits yet again.

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