Friday, July 8, 2011

Bachman/Plouffe Tone Deaf On The Left And Right Shows Centrist Palin In New Light

Michele Bachman continues her steady  path of self-destruction.Under fire from the Gay community for her signing the  pledge, attacked as already fallen by Beltway insiders and now ridiculed as heartless towards the unemployed by seeing them as crutch to her election chances;

"BACHMANN: ‘I HOPE’ HIGHER UNEMPLOYMENT WILL HELP MY CAMPAIGN Appearing on CNBC this morning, presidential candidate Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-MN) was asked about this morning’s dismal jobs report and whether higher unemployment rates might help her chances of winning in 2012. “Does it strike you that as the unemployment rate goes up, your chances of winning office also go up?” host Carl Quintanilla asked. “Well, that could be. Again, I hope so,” Bachmann replied. "

That's the tone deaf on the right and, from the left, also from a sinking ship, President Obama's campaign impressario David Plouffe is getting heat, rightly, for seeing the disastrous unemployment figures as not affecting the 2012 election if a particular voter is not personally unemployed. Instead of backing away from such callousness the White House doubled down on it with Obama's press secretary  Jay Carney supporting Ploufffe.

This exposure of the extreme right and left makes a compassionate  conservative Palin candidacy, proven by her record as Governor and her ability to work across the aisle as shown in undistorted light in the movie "The Undefeated", the most sensible, healing, positive choice for 2012.

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