Wednesday, July 20, 2011

G.O.P. Establishment Chooses their Candidate-Rick Perry

This from Teagan Goddard's Political Wire;

Former Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld helped organize Texas Gov. Rick Perry's foreign policy and national security briefing in Austin last week, according to Ben Smith

"Perry's aides have been tight-lipped about the gathering, which National Review reported included former Rumsfeld aides Doug Feith, Daniel Fata, and William Luti, as well as the magazine's Andrew McCarthy and others . But I'm told Rumsfeld helped steer Perry's staff to the low-key advisory group."

Which links to Ben Smith's post at Politico
"Former Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld helped organize Rick Perry's foreign policy and national security briefing in Austin last Wednesday, Rumsfeld's staff confirmed today.

Perry's aides have been tight-lipped about the gathering, which National Review reported included former Rumsfeld aides Doug Feith, Daniel Fata, and William Luti, as well as the magazine's Andrew McCarthy and others . But I'm told Rumsfeld helped steer Perry's staff to the low-key advisory group, and his detainee adviser Cully Stimson was also invited, but couldn't attend.
With the Texas money men and the Bush administration hawks lining up behind Texas Governor Rick Perry it is becoming clear who the old guard GOP establishment sees as their pick. From their point of view, as I see it, this makes sense.
Perry has attractions for the religious element, the Tea Party, and the South of course. He would firm up the vital state of Texas in a national election and allow for ticket balance with a "moderate" from a Northern semi-blue state e.g Pawlenty as VP. He is presentable "presidential" and, vitally, can point to Texas appearing  
to have escaped the job dearth which has afflicted the Obama administration which would be a strong campaign message.
At this point in time, that is before the relentless media investigations which have seemingly knocked Bachman's campaign on the head after a meteoric rise, Perry looks a safer bet to the establishment than Romney, whose Mormon faith will surely get massive coverage if he received the nomination, which would, at the very least be a distraction in the campaign proper, and at worst a major negative.
On the other hand if Perry is seen to have the visible support of the Bush neocons, is seen as another "Bush without the brains" is seen as a "we don't want another candidate from Texas after Bush thank you" foil for the media, the Dem's and the satirists the he will have strong negatives. His states record on executions, his comments about Texas seceding, whether light-hearted or not, will be used against him.
If Palin does not run and endorses Perry, despite the Bush clan being against her as Barbara Bush let slip, then he would have every chance to win the nomination. If however she enters the fray and is seen as the non-Bush, independent from the "powers that be" old  boys network,  and Perry is categorized as wedded to it, she should receive the support of the conservative religious and Tea Party elements. 
That said, a Palin/Perry ticket, combining the two biggest states in the country, the North/South team, the proper mix of Tea Party and establishment elements, could be a strong team for 2012. A Perry led team might be, as would a Romney led team, a bridge too far for the reformers.

Here's what "A Time For Choosing" had to say about Perry, which mirrors my comments I believe.

" Rick Perry will definitely make a splash should he join the fray, but as people realize he is more of an establishment candidate, Donald Rumsfeld has been advising him, and Karl Rove is downright giddy at the prospect of Perry running, the bloom will come off the rose."

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