Sunday, July 24, 2011

Major Candidate Drops 19.7 Points In Approval.Disapproval Up By 29.7 Points

According to the cumulative tracking poll at Real Clear Politics-which is by its nature removed from bias, the Democratic Party's candidate for the 2012 election President Barack Obama has seen a massive, no other word to describe it, erosion of support.

At his highest point February 10th 2009 President Obama had a positive approval rating of 65.5%. In today's poll his approval rating is 45.8% and declining.

That is a drop of  19.7 points.

Even worse President Obama's disapproval rating, at its best for him, was 19.3% on January 29th 2009. In today's RCP poll aggregate it is 49.0%-a startling rise of 29.7 points in his disapproval rating-and he is in the negative by -3.2% in his current approve/disapprove position.

If the economic situation worsens, and his economic policies on the deficit are seen to be faulty, then this decline will continue over time. 

At one point his Gallup approval rating was 41% and, allowing for fluctuations by events of the moment, like the Bin Laden death, would seem to be heading that way again (it is currently down to 42%). If it falls below 40% it is quite possible that his re-election would be very difficult.

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