Friday, July 29, 2011

Near 10,000 Vote Poll. Palin 46.6%/Perry 38.5%/Bachmann 5.2%/Romney 2.9%

Ace of Spades latest  online poll-which appears to be a one vote per person poll shows, once again the strength of Sarah Palin amongst the rank and file, who certainly, judging by this poll, don't want anything to do with Mitt Romney. 

If she declares, as is widely expected, in Iowa on September 3rd her ratings can only go up. Palin, as per the July "Hot Air" poll, despite all the MSM naysayers, and the Taylor Marsh type PDS pundits, just keeps rising.

Of particular interest are the changes from the June poll which had Perry in first place on 31.1% Palin in second on 30.5% and Bachmann-then the flavor of the month on 17.8%. As can be seen her support has utterly collapsed.

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