Sunday, July 24, 2011

Presidential Requirement-Not To Come From A Broken Or Abusive Home? Obama/Clinton Contrasted To Palin?

Hugh Hewitt has this comment in his piece on the Obama administration, and particularly President Obama's handling of the current budget negotiations.

"I'm not going to negotiate in public" has been the president's mantra, and it is simple code for "the public won't support what I am proposing."  The president has bluffed, cajoled and filibustered his way through a month of closed door theatrics with the assistance of a compliant MSM, and the public is weary to the bone with the Community Organizer in Chief.  His petulance, self-regard and overbearing ego combines into an unprecedented persona that is both ludicrous and also alarming in that he may truly be as clueless about the economy as he often sounds."

If Hewitt is correct with his observations of the character of President Obama, and these character traits are an impediment to cooperative negotiations in the interests of the country, then one must ponder where such negative and potentially devastating character traits originated from.

Here, from Wikepedia, is a biographic snapshot of the presidents early life, including his drug use, which might offer a clue;

His mother, Stanley Ann Durham, was born in Wichita Kansas and was of mostly English descent. His father, Barack Obama, Sr., was a Luo from Nyang'oma KogeloNyanza Province,Kenya. Obama's parents met in 1960 in a Russian language class at the University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa, where his father was a foreign student on scholarship. The couple married on February 2, 1961, separated when Obama Sr. went to Harvard University on scholarship, and divorced in 1964. Obama Sr. remarried and returned to Kenya, visiting Barack in Hawaii only once, in 1971. He died in an automobile accident in 1982.

After her divorce,Dunham married Indonesian student Lolo Soetoro, who was attending college in Hawaii. When Suharto, a military leader in Soetoro's home country, came to power in 1967, all Indonesian students studying abroad were recalled, and the family moved to the Menteng neighborhood of Jakarta. From ages six to ten, Obama attended local schools in Jakarta, including Besuki Public School and St. Francis of Assisi School.

1971, Obama returned to Honolulu to live with his maternal grandparents, Madelyn and Stanley Armour Dunham, and attended Punahou School, a private college preparatory school, from the fifth grade until his graduation from high school in 1979. Obama's mother returned to Hawaii in 1972, remaining there until 1977 when she went back to Indonesia to work as an anthropological field worker. She finally returned to Hawaii in 1994 and lived there for one year, before dying of ovarian cancer.

"Of his early childhood, Obama recalled, "That my father looked nothing like the people around me—that he was black as pitch, my mother white as milk—barely registered in my mind." He described his struggles as a young adult to reconcile social perceptions of his multiracial heritage. Reflecting later on his formative years in Honolulu, Obama wrote: "The opportunity that Hawaii offered—to experience a variety of cultures in a climate of mutual respect—became an integral part of my world view, and a basis for the values that I hold most dear." Obama has also written and talked about using alcohol, marijuana and cocaine during his teenage years to "push questions of who I was out of my mind."

If the early life of former president Bill Clinton is examined, also via Wikepedia a similar broken home environment, this time with abuse, is found which may go towards explaining the destructive  character trait of womanizing, to the reckless extent of having an affair in the White  House (which has shades of Anthony Weiner's self-destructive pattern of womanizing). This pattern was also reflected in the notorious womanizing of the Kennedy's, which reached its destructive apex in the Chappaquiddick incident;

"Although he assumed use of his stepfather's surname, it was not until Billy (as he was known then) turned fourteen that he formally adopted the surname Clinton as a gesture toward his stepfather.[20] Clinton says he remembers his stepfather as a gambler and an alcoholic who regularly abused his mother and half brother, Roger Clinton Jr. to the point where he intervened multiple times with the threat of violence to protect them"

Both the elder and younger Presidents from the Bush family, whatever one may think of their personalities and policies did not, it seems, endanger the country through aspects of their personality which might stem from the troubled childhoods similar to that which Clinton and Obama experienced.

If in contrast the early childhood of potential presidential candidate Sarah Palin is examined, it is a model of stability, parental mutual love, and love for their children, of guidance, togetherness, prudence, morals and faith.

This person, Palin, whose life and character has been attacked viciously by the liberal media and entertainment industry, yet her parents and her own life is an exemplar (as the Wikepedia links will show) of honesty, probity, caring for people, faith and public service.

"Palin was born in Sandpoint, idaho and is of English, Irish and German descent. She is the third of four children (three daughters, one son) born to Charles R. "Chuck" Heath, a science teacher and track coach, and Sarah "Sally" (née Sheeran), a school secretary. Palin's siblings are Chuck Jr., Heather, and Molly.[9][10][11][12][13] The family moved from Idaho to Skagway, Alaska, when Palin was a few months old; then to Eagle River,when she was about five years old; and finally to Wasilla when she was eight.
Palin played flute in the junior high band, then attended Wasilla High School where she was the head of the Fellowship of Christian Athletes, and a member of the girls' basketball and girls cross country running teams.[17] During her senior year, she was co-captain and point guard of the basketball team that won the 1982 Alaska state championship, earning the nickname "Sarah Barracuda" for her competitive streak"

Based on that, and the stark contrast with her potential rival and predecessor it may be that when voters are, in the future, considering candidates for the presidency the candidates upbringing may be a factor which is to loom large in such considerations. If they do, then a potential Obama versus Palin contest would seem to have the odds stacked strongly in Palin's favor.

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