Sunday, August 14, 2011

Bachmann Loses Respected Conservative Prof.Jacobson Because Of Her Trashing Of Palin

Prof William Jacobson who is associate Clinical professor at Cornell Law School has a highly scathing column up in his Legal Insurrection site which he castigates Michele Bachmann, advising, inter alia:

Bachmann had one and only one path to the nomination – to unite the 25%-35% of the party who do not want an establishment Republican (not even a “conservative” establishment Republican).  The path existed only if Bachmann established herself as a viable candidate on her own andbrought with her a coalition which included Palin supporters.  Uniting the base not dividing the base should have been Bachmann’s goal.

Instead Bachmann viewed Palin entering the race as a threat and therefore decided that attacking Palin through surrogates was the best tactic, but that was myopic.  If Palin enters the race, Bachmann is done regardless of anything Bachmann did or didn’t do; but if Palin does not enter the race Bachmann could have had the chance to lead the coalition.  That chance is gone because Bachmann destroyed the coalition, or at least her ability to lead it.
Bachmann will not be the nominee, regardless of whether Palin runs, and Bachmann has no one to blame but herself.

The entire column is here (click link)

So disgusted, apparently, is Prof. Jacobson with Bachmann that he titles his post "Anyone but Bachmann" which, coming from such a highly admired academic (The Other McCain's Stacy McCain is a big  supporter) is strong condemnation indeed.

Jacobson makes the point that Palin has been savaged by the media and because of that he 
is  especially intolerent of such attacks coming from GOP candidates "As you know, I have zero tolerance for Republicans who trash talk Sarah Palin.  Three years of Palin Derangement Syndrome have made me allergic; Palin stands apart from other Republican candidates in that regard." 

It is noticeable that Palin has, to my knowlege, never attacked another Republican,certainly in the manner that Bachmann's attack dog Rollins did to her as she believes in Reagan's golden rule.

Jacobson concludes with the telling prognostication that Bachmann's tactics will, in the end, be her downfall;

Instead Bachmann viewed Palin entering the race as a threat and therefore decided that attacking Palin through surrogates was the best tactic, but that was myopic.  If Palin enters the race, Bachmann is done regardless of anything Bachmann did or didn’t do; but if Palin does not enter the race Bachmann could have had the chance to lead the coalition.  That chance is gone because Bachmann destroyed the coalition, or at least her ability to lead it.

Bachmann will not be the nominee, regardless of whether Palin runs, and Bachmann has no one to blame but herself"

To have lost such a solid voice of reason so early in the piece reflects badly on Bachmann and her prospects. I for one will never vote for her.

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