Friday, August 19, 2011

"The Other McCain" Intrigued By Palin's Upcoming Major Address In Iowa-Will She Announce Run?

The redoubtable Stacy McCain has this column up at The Other McCain. There appears to be a degree of doubt from his point of view as to whether she will run from his previously adamant position that she wouldn't.

This review of position, and the basically, if not totally friendly then at least positively neutral attitude to Palin in his latest columns suggests that, should she run he would be supportive-especially if Herman Cain drops out at some stage. This would be hugely valuable for Palin as the ironically named McCain would be a potent ally with his blog's substantial readership.


If Sarah Palin Isn’t Running for President, Why Is She Releasing This Iowa Video?

And everyone who had previously concluded that Palin is not running in 2012 — I among them — must now ask themselves: Why is she making a such a big deal about her Iowa trip? And, while we’re asking that question, why is she giving a speech at a Sept. 3 Tea Party rally in Waukee, Iowa? Given the current large field of GOP candidates, what percentage of the vote would Palin need to win Iowa caucus Feb. 6?
These questions seem to multiply, the more I think about it. For example, if Palin used her Sept. 3 speech at Waukee to declare herself a candidate, would that secure here an invitation to the Sept. 7 Simi Valley debate? Or the Sept. 12 Tampa debate?

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