Friday, August 12, 2011

Palin's 7 Minute CNN Interview Shows A Leader At Top Of Her Form: Savvy, Intelligent, Knowledgeable

This wide ranging non-Fox interview blows away the left's theme that Palin "only talks to Fox"-not only  that but she comes across as a deep thinker, highly aware of people and issues and, in stark contrast to president Obama, as a leader.

Here's a follow up comment from Idesign at "Hot Air" Just watched the Palin interview on CNN. It was great! Don Lemon said that she answered every question, with no talking points and said he was very impressed with Palin. Then Don Lemon tried to interview Bachman and her aids pushed him away and wouldn't let him ask any questions. According to him the pushed him so hard that he slammed his into a tent poll.

idesign on August 12, 2011 at 6:17 PM

And for the Dem's talkingpoints that "Palin's 15 minutes are up-Sarah Who?" here is part of a report on Sarah  in Iowa from Politico;

If there’s any weariness among Iowa voters about Palin’s months-long “will-she-or-won’t-she” dance in which Friday was the latest tease, it wasn’t visible at the fair on Friday. As soon as people noticed her enter the agricultural pavilion to see the famous butter cow — and boy, did they notice — Palin was mobbed.
She took two hours to walk from that pavilion, past the food stalls about a hundred yards away, and back up to finally exit the fair. The mob grew so big that aides at one point directed her back the way they had come instead of pushing onward, fearing for her safety
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