Thursday, August 18, 2011

Palin's Iowa Rally Venue Moved To 20,000 Persons Facility

Conservatives 4 Palin has the news that Sarah Palins address to the tea party in Iowa on September 3rd has been moved to " a more suitable venue". 

Speculation is rife that Palin will use this meeting to announce her candidacy,especially as she has indicated she will make her decision by the end of September and that she will" not be a candidate when she returns to Iowa. That of course does not preclude her announcing  in Iowa on September 3rd.

Clearly, for all the polls and speculation over Bachmann and Perry the campaign will not start until Palin makes her decision.

September 3rd Restoring America Rally Moved to Indianola Balloon Grounds

We have been notified by the Tea Party of America–the Iowa-based event hosts of the Restoring America Rally with Sarah Palin on September 3rd–that they have decided to move the venue to a nearby location that better accommodates every eventuality. While the Hawkeye Antique Acres was a wonderful location, concerns had arisen with parking, especially in the event of inclement weather.
The new location–the Indianola Balloon Grounds just south of Des Moines–has all of the quintessentially rural charm of the original site, but none of the logistical challenges.
The event will still be held from 11 to 2 p.m. on Saturday, Labor Day Weekend, September 3rd, 2011.
An updated flyer announcing the event–with the site change information–has been distributed. We continue to encourage everyone who can to attend this historic event. Note that this new location is close enough to the original site that any travel plans should not be affected"
And this comment regarding the venue;

The venue will hold 20,000 people for a rock concert.

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