Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Report: Palin To Go To Korea For Major Foreign Policy Address

Josh Painter at Texans for Palin has this scoop-with the usual wait for official confirmation advice. If this report is correct  (and the link fleshes it out) this is a major foreign policy invite for Palin which recognizes her standing in the world. 

To be invited to such a prestigious forum as key note speaker puts, once again, to rest the lie that Palin is somehow "irrelevant" even more so if by October when the event is scheduled she is an official candidate for president of the United States.

AFP: Gov. Palin to visit South Korea

Will meet with South Korean presidential candidates and major politicians
If an AFP report is correct, Sarah Palin will visit South Korea for the first time to speak at a Seoul forum in October, the organizers said Thursday:

Maeil Business Newspaper said the former vice presidential candidate would make a keynote opening speech at the forum organized by the paper from October 11 to 13.

Palin will speak about the US economic crisis, policies to tackle fiscal woes and her country's role in the world at a time when its superpower status is diminishing, the paper said in a news report.

"She also plans to meet with South Korea's next presidential contenders and major politicians during the forum," it said without elaborating
Also speaking at the forum will be Former British prime minister Gordon Brown and Larry Summers, ex-director of US President Barack Obama's National Economic Council, the paper said.

- JP 

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