Monday, September 5, 2011

Christian Politicians Mustn't Express Faith As Christian Lib's Scorn & Leftist Jews "Feel Excluded"

Piers Morgan and left wing New York liberal (ex-New York Times and now New York Magazine journalist, a perfect pedigree) Frank Rich, had a good laugh at a clip of  Texas Governor Rick Perry delivering a personal testament at a Christian gathering in Texas.

Not only were there smug faces of condescension evident to me, but the typical liberal elitist comments were in evidence.

Morgan (who previously called Santorum a "bigot") opined that Perry "was in Joel Osteen territory" to which Rich later added that it was "Elmer Gantry" (the religious conman and rabble rouser in the 1960 movie of the same name.) 

Rich indicated that no leader should have an overtly religious presentation, which is of course utterly ridiculous. American presidents, whilst not making their Christianity front and center as an aspect of their administration, have been deeply devout. Their persona and public character were seen to be very much a projection of their faith. for example, Benjamin Harrison was a staunch Presbyterian, JFK a Catholic, (no matter his hidden personal activities which belied it.)

Even liberal hero (till now at least) Barack Obama attended church in Chicago for 20 years and ended correspondence "yours  in Christ".

The attack on Perry is symbolic of the deep cynicism and elitist attitudes towards "fly over country". The mores and values of the mass of still deeply Christian people who "cling to their guns and religion" as Obama put it.

That a president could sincerely stand up for, and express, their deeply held Christian faith, as does Sarah  Palin, for example, is beyond the mind-set of the liberal elite. Such a  Christian candidate must, it seems to appear to the leftists, be driven by a secret urge to mine the rubes for their money and votes (the Elmer Gantry concept.)

Rich went on to indicate  he objected to Perry's address because such a Christian centered speech made him, as a Jew "feel excluded". This premise is also utterly preposterous. To advise that a Christian candidate should not publicly affirm their faith in, where a religion is affirmed, an overwhelming Christian country, because a minority religions adherents would "feel excluded" is just silly.

Rich as a Jew would, if we follow his logic, condemn the government of Israel-the Jewish state. How could such an entity exist as any expression of faith by Israel's leaders would cause the substantial Israeli Muslim community to "feel excluded" as well as the relatively tiny Christian community.

The condescension of the left, Republican Jews would not express such outrageous sentiments, towards the mainstream and Christian population will be their eventual political downfall which was signalled, to those not to blind to see, in November 2010 when, hopefully, an outspoken Christian will take office.

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