Sunday, September 11, 2011

If Palin's Not The Candidate/President Why Care Who Is?

If Sarah Palin chooses not to run for the GOP nomination, her decision either way being expected in the next few weeks, or if running does not receive it, what possible difference will it make who the nominee ends up being?

Taking it one step further, what real difference will there be if in January 2013 Barack Obama, or Rick Perry or Mitt Romney is sworn in as president?

If President Obama is re-elected with, as seems likely at this point in time, congress being in Republican hands, he will, effectively, be a lame duck president from day one. He wouldn't be able to get any radical measures passes, just as now, and neither will his veto be able to be overturned. 

Conversely, if Perry, or Romney are elected, is their anything in their past performance as Governors which gives any indication they they would be transformational presidents?

The question, if posed about Mitt Romney is, frankly, laughable. Romney is presenting himself as a good, successful businessman and manager and thus the best choice for tough economic times. 

What is actually needed, which the real economic power brokers have, finally, decided to do, is not to have interventionists like Obama and the Bernanke of the last three years, a but minimalistic interventionist who will stand aside, and let the normal healing process of the business cycle, the market, do its job unimpeded. The age of Solyndra-ism has passed.

" our best hope is for a Republican president far more committed to the principles of free markets and limited government ."Robert J. Barro. Harvard Professor of Economics 
at: The New York Times

If an off the shelf Republican like Perry or Romney is elected, not only does the political real world of "tacking to the center" when elected come, sadly, in to play once again, but it will ensure that no progressive conservatism will eventuate. If the Dem's retain the senate, or the GOP wins it without a filibuster proof majority (which is likely) then the chance of a genuine conservative reconstruction is next to zero.

If Palin were to win the presidency, then there is every chance for a genuinely transformational administration. Partly based on her record of economic management and achievement, partly based on her ability to reach across the aisle. Partly because  of her clearly set out attack on the establishment power structure "crony capitalism". This attack morally binds her to not tack away from the ethical structure she has laid out.

Certainly, congressional strictures which would affect an Obama or a different GOP president would be in place as they are now. However, with Palin elected there would be a moral imperative stopping, at least initially, the Democrats from impeding her legislative program.

If Palin were elected, the message to congress would have been strikingly clear-change was desired. In contrast to a Romney or Perry, the election of Palin would mean, without doubt, that America was in the mood for significant change. 

Any political party that was seen to be obstructive to that mood, purely for partisan reasons, especially members of a party that was recently rejected at the polls would suffer ignominious defeat at the ensuing mid-terms.

A Palin administration would be in a strong position to deliver a program that included;

A large, permanent reduction in government
Progress towards reducing the internal and external deficits
Lower taxes
Reducing unemployment
An attack on the massive regulatory burden inhibiting business growth
Keeping a strong military and a Kennedy-esque commitment to friend and foe alike
Developing America's energy resources helping to reduce foreign dependence.
Increasing the emphasis on states rights, especially in the matter of people being able to choose the moral and ethical standards for their communities.

But perhaps transcending the economic and social reconstruction, would be the re-igniting of the positive American spirit which has been so harshly dimmed over the past eight years. That such a re-igniting could occur if President Obama managed to squeak through to a second term, or under a President Romney or President Perry is difficult to imagine.

Under a spirited President Palin, those of us who remember the Kennedy years, with all their spark and bright promise, can envisage a new Camelot. We will shed tears of joy at having lived long enough to see it ushered in once again, after all these years.

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