Thursday, September 8, 2011

Media Ignores Palin's Best Result Vs Obama Since December. A 5 Point Gain In Rasmussen alone

The media continues its "unelectable" campaign against Palin and the GOP establishment including those media personalities who have chosen their favorites e.g. Coulter who has swooned for Christie have switched into all out attack mode against her.

What goes unremarked upon was Palin's solid third place at 14% in the Washington Post /ABC poll-when she is not even a declared candidate and Perry  has received the star treatment.

Digging down further into where the statistics can't lie, because they are an aggregate of polls, the 
Real Clear Politics aggregate of Palin versus Obama belies all the negativity directed against her as the unmistakable trendline below shows:

Further, as this compilation of recent polls shows Palin's 41% in the ABC poll is her highest rating with smallest gap between her and Obama since November 2010. The Rasmussen poll distorts the aggregate because they measure likely voters but even here the result is striking with Palin having closed the gap by 5 points in under a month with President Obama being below the 50% mark against her for the first time since March

Polling Data

PollDateSampleObama (D)Palin (R)Spread
RCP Average8/5 - 9/1--51.838.8Obama +13.0
ABC News/Wash Post8/29 - 9/1RV5341Obama +12
Rasmussen Reports8/31 - 9/11000 LV4735Obama +12
Quinnipiac8/16 - 8/272730 RV5137Obama +14
PPP (D)8/18 - 8/21700 RV5340Obama +13
Rasmussen Reports8/11 - 8/121000 LV5033Obama +17

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