Friday, September 2, 2011

Palin In Iowa-First Photo's-First Reports.Huge Enthusiasm.Video Clips Up



Governor Palin Arrives at C4P Meetup in Des Moines

Details are sketchy at the moment, but multiple souces confirm Governor Palin has arrived at the Machine Shed Restaurant in Des Moines:
Via Jennifer Jacobs of the Des Moines Register…
Sarah Palin is here at the Machine Shed in Urbandale, with a crowd chanting “Run, Sarah, run.” #iacaucus #palin
…and Jeff Zeleny of the New York Times:
Sarah Palin arrives at Machine Shed restaurant in Iowa. Big applause and chants of “Run Sarah Run” by Organize4Palin crew.
More when it becomes available.
Update: CNN’s Peter Hamby tweets:
Palin chief of staff Mike Glassner in the house here in Urbandale. Palin mobbed despite best efforts of staff to get people seated
Update II: Here are a few pictues from the Machine Shed floating around the twitterverse. Apologies for not citing who took them but I can’t figure it out.
Governor and Todd Palin at Machine Shed Restaurant:
Crowd at Machine Shed:
Peter Singleton:
AP just picked up Sarah's C4P get together!

URBANDALE, Iowa (AP) — Sarah Palin is making a surprise appearance at a suburban Des Moines restaurant.

And she was greeted there Friday night with chants of "Run, Sarah, run!"

Hundreds of fans jammed into the Iowa Machine Shed, with the backroom of the farm-themed restaurant overflowing, as people from as far away as Texas, Florida and California strained for a glimpse of the former Alaska governor.

Accompanied by her husband, Todd, she worked the room, shaking hands, posing for pictures and hugging babies.

Palin, the GOP's 2008 vice presidential nominee, is considering a presidential run. She speaks to a tea party rally on Saturday in Iowa but is not expected to disclose a decision about her political future for another few weeks.

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