Saturday, September 3, 2011

Sarah Palin 's Tea Party Speech In Iowa September 3rd 2011 A Slice of History

"My plan is a bona-fide pro-working man’s plan… My plan is about empowerment…"
Sarah Palin delivered her much-anticipated keynote address at Tea Party of America’s “Restoring America” rally in Indianola, Iowa, Saturday. Here are some excerpts from Jedediah Bila's latest column at The Daily Caller: 

Palin took on President Obama’s failed policies and proclivity toward crony capitalism, stood firm in her support for tea party principles and rekindled the 2008 RNC speech she gave exactly three years ago today.

Consistent with her 2008 message, the former Alaska governor and vice presidential nominee reminded Americans today of the danger of politicians who follow a do-as-I-say-not-as-I-do motto. Palin, whose record features persistent and successful efforts to tackle a corrupt political class, articulated the necessity of challenging the status quo in order to battle corruption and effectuate genuine reform. She shared the frustration of many Americans with regard to business as usual in D.C. Most importantly, she offered real solutions, including a plan that serves as a stark contrast to our president’s perpetual empty rhetoric: repeal Obamacare, uphold the Tenth Amendment, rein in overregulation, prioritize significant and legitimate spending cuts, cancel unused stimulus money, “own up to the debt challenge that is entitlement reform,” tap into our God-given energy resources and make America “the most attractive and competitive place to do business” by eliminating all federal corporate income tax, corporate welfare and loopholes.

Some highlights from the speech:


“I’ve seen this kind of crony capitalism before … I took on a corrupt and compromised political class and their backroom dealings with Big Oil. And I can tell you that sudden and relentless reform never sits well with entrenched power brokers.”

“When we finally did get slapped then with that inevitable downgrade, the politicians and the pundits, they turned around and blamed us … they called us un-American … and suicide bombers and hobbits?”

“The only future that Barack Obama is trying to save is his own reelection, and he has shown that he is perfectly willing to mortgage our children’s futures to pay for it.”

“Like you, I’m not for sale … I believe in the free market and that is why I detest crony capitalism. And Barack Obama has shown us cronyism on steroids. It will lead to our downfall if we don’t stop it now.”


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