Saturday, September 24, 2011

Support The Women's Voice Petition To Get Maher Off Air For Palin/All Women Attack

The New Agenda Voice For All Women site has a petition up that Bill Maher be taken off the air. Everything they say is 100% correct and I urge this petition be supported by all decent people no matter what their personal political outlook. If Maher had said the same about Michelle Obama for example I would of course support a similar petition.

There has to be a stop to these attacks against women and a return to common decency. Partisanship is one thing but this is sort of comment by Maher (and Tyson before him) is despicable.


TAKE ACTION: HBOs Bill Maher: “Sarah Palin Would ‘F–k’ Rick Perry If He Was Black.”

September 24, 2011

by The New Agenda

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On Friday, September 23rd, Bill Maher said this during his HBO show:
Sarah Palin Would ‘F–k’ Rick Perry If He Was Black.
This statement is yet another example of Bill Maher’s hatred of women. Maher has employed terms such as: ‘dumb twat’, ‘bimbos’, and ‘cunt’ in describing women leaders including Sec Hillary Clinton, Rep Michele Bachmann and Gov Sarah Palin (read here: here).
Maher’s latest remark is both sexist and racist and we demand that he be taken off the air!

Please sign the petition( THE LINK IS here.)

Then, share the petition with your contacts via Facebook, Twitter and email.  The petition will be presented to the Time Warner Board of Directors and HBO Management.
Here’s Maher in action:

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