Monday, September 19, 2011

Trump Run "Will Ensure Obama Is Re-elected" Unless Palin Runs & He Endorses Her Or "Suitable" Candidate

The inimitable Adrienne Ross has posted this analysis of the role Donald Trump may play in Sarah Palin's potential quest for the presidency. This is a brilliantly timed article as Donald Trump's aid Michael Cohen expanded on the theme in an interview with ABC's "Topline" program.

Cohen basically said that Trump is the "King maker" in that whomever he endorses, should he do so, will "have the nomination locked up from that point". Cohen advises there are over a million Trump followers on the Trump website "begging him (Trump) to run, and intimated that that support level would transfer to Trump's chosen candidate.

Pointedly asked about Palin, Cohen intimated, it seems to me, that she is very much in Trumps view, which Ross expands on in her article where she advises Trump won't endorse until Palin decides one way or the other. It is clear that Palin is the only hope for the GOP, as if she doesn't run it looks very likely that Trump will, which Cohen clearly sets out will ensure the re-election of President Obama.

Here is Cohen on Trump and Palin followed by Ross's article.

Here is Adrienne's article from Conservatives4Palin (read more of her outstanding commentary at her own site "Motivation Truth"

Trump Will Wait for Governor Palin

Donald Trump reportedly met with Republican presidential candidate Rick Perry recently, and the two hit it off. Word has it that Trump was impressed with Perry and offered him his posh Palm Beach, Florida club to hold a fundraiser. That said, The Donald would not go so far as to give Perry the endorsement he sought. Why not? He’s waiting for Governor Palin. Newsmaxreports:
Trump diplomatically told Perry he would not make an endorsement in the GOP primary race until he knows whether former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin plans to run.
“He told Perry nicely that he probably wouldn’t endorse anybody until she made her intentions known,” the source said.
Read the full article here.
While pundits on the right continue to dismiss the possibility that Governor Palin is running for President, and pundits on the left try to convince themselves that she’s insignificant, reality suggests something totally different. Not only do the media chase her tour bus down the road, hover over her hotel room in helicopters, and follow her around a state fair, someone as influential as Donald Trump waits to make an endorsement until she reveals whether she’ll be in the running. And make no mistake about it, whatever you think of Donald Trump, he isinfluential, and he’s said recently that the candidates are all reaching out to him. Nonetheless, he’s waiting to see what Governor Palin will do. If that’s what’s called insignificant, it would be interesting to see what would happen if she ever became significant.
Hang in there, Mr. Trump. Soon we’ll all know.

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