Saturday, October 15, 2011

Is It Right For "The Other McCain" Site To Have THREE (Update 6) Adverts With Big Breasted Women?

UPDATE' 4th "Big Breasted Women" Photo discovered at The Other McCain" site-is this one also wholesome? You be the judge.

UPDATE#2. 6th photo now discovered-will it never end? Judge these two new ones for yourself.

The well known site "The Other McCain"  run by the ineffable Stacy McCain, has been running a series of advertisements for "Kyle Leon's Customized Fat Loss". The site portal has a series of three (that I have seen there may have been more of these) pictures of young women with enormous breasts.

I presume this is to pique the interest of, especially, males to see exactly how these women became so endowed, and if such a transformation is available for the partners of those making further enquires by clicking on the link. On the other hand there may be a degree of salacious interest.

To determine if everything was as it should be, I decided to do a thorough investigation of these women. Unfortunately they do not appear all at once, so I had to repeatedly refresh the page. When doing this a different large busted woman appeared each time, and I was able to example the photographs minutely.

I am glad to report that upon a detailed investigation I determined that they, the images, were a wholesome introduction to the benefits of fat loss, and commend all readers to examine these pictures. themselves.

Here are three examples but by all means go to the original site and click on each multiple times. 

Here is the 4th-6th photographs-upon close inspection they too passes the honest introduction to fat reduction test.

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