Monday, October 10, 2011

Palin As World Statesman; Speech In Korea & Challenge To Chinese Army Growth

Here is the first report on Sarah Palin's address to the World Knowledge Forum in Seoul Korea. In a wide ranging speech Palin addressed the subjects of technology in this modern age,the growth of government, free enterprise as the key to the success of the Asian region and strikingly touched on the build up of Chinese arms.

We are witnessing the first stages of Palin the statesman and ambassador for America's interest and safety.

Former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin spoke at the World Knowledge Forum in SeoulSouth Korea, about security, the impact of technology on social change, and the strength of Asia’s economies.

Palin Says Growing Chinese Army Not ‘Necessarily’ Good (Voices)

On China’s military build-up:
“I’m not one to share that opinion that growing the military might of China in this region will necessarily be good for the region or good for the cause of peace overall.
‘‘I would not be one to encourage the muscling of China’s military might in order to protect some of the interests in this region. We’re very thankful for America’s influence, I hope others are also, and Amercia’s commitment to help protect freedom in this region.”
On social changes brought about by mobile technology:
“I carry around my iPad, I keep up with what’s going on all around the world. I don’t have to rely on one news source. I am able to check all sorts of news sources everywhere.
‘‘The ability for governments, then, around the world to keep controlling access to information in order to control their people is thankfully becoming more difficult because of this new technology.
‘‘Technology is taking power away from central authorities and providing individuals more choices.’’
On increased government bureaucracy:
‘‘What is perplexing, though, and ironic is while the world around us is moving aggressively towards empowering individuals, it’s government that seems to be going in the opposite direction.
‘‘The world around is becoming more bottom up, but the political elite, they want the world to become even more top down in some respects, because they want greater control.
‘‘Never mind that they were the ones in charge with regarding to this financial mess in the first place.
‘‘The problem is those in power are all too often not aware of their own limitations. They fail to see the unintended consequences of their actions.
‘‘Fortunately, there are solutions, there is real hope. You can trust freedom, not centralized government. You can trust individuals, not bureaucracies.’’
On the strength of Asian economies:
‘‘Parts of Asia, especially in South Korea, the fundamentals are strong here, because of adoption of democratic principles and of free market principles.
‘‘The rise of the middle class in numbers in China and rising prosperity in places like India, the demand there for consumer goods, I think, will certainly help drive the global recovery, and the world is not going to look solely at the U.S and our desire and need for goods to contribute to that recovery.’’
On U.S.-Korea FTA:
‘‘I support what is being debated right now in Washington, D.C., with the FTA with South Korea because we are natural trading partners from automobiles to agricultural products.
‘‘What government can do is to open the gate and then get out of the way and let the people trade, let the markets dictate what should be traded and much of the terms, and I do look forward to seeing that outcome from the U.S. and Korea free- trade agreement.’’
‘‘The first victims of his regime are his own people. That is so inherently unfair and unjust that I look forward to this entire regime being able to be rebuilt, South Korea being able to assist North Korea when that regime is finally ousted.’’
On spending on national security in the U.S.:
‘‘I want to make sure that we have no debt, but that we have enough money to spend on national security measures in order to help create a more peaceful and prosperous world for all of you, not just the U.S.’’

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