Sunday, October 2, 2011

Palin Hit Job Film Grosses Paltry $7,374 Another Liberal Hate-Fest Disaster

The public have had enough of the Palin hate-fest which has stretched into its third year. Surely nothing further can be dredged up, made up, lied about in respect of Palin and her family. 

This is one reason why Palin can, if she so chooses, enter the race in October as she is 100%-no make it 1000% vetted, and can go straight into the mechanics of getting on the state ballots and making her case directly to the voters without the distraction of "facts" about her coming out.

Here's what "indieWIRE" the movie website reported on the latest Palin hatchet job and its complete flop.

"Faring even worse Nick Broomfield and Joan Churchill’s doc “Sarah Palin: You Betcha!,” which grossed even less than “Margaret” despite being on 3 times the screens. “Betcha!” grossed $7,374, averaging a dismal $1,229. The film was releasing through Freestyle - a distribution company that releases films via service deals for the filmmakers. 

Broomfield personally took to Kickstarter to raise $30,000 for the release of the film. Its unlikely the film will gross that amount, and it will certainly fall behind the $116,381 a much more pro-Palin doc, “The Undefeated,” grossed earlier this year."

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